We would like to inform you about the outline and business contents of the Next Generation Vehicle Promotion Center, a general incorporated association.
Message from NeV / Representative Executive Director
Well into the 21st century, global warming continues to increase while we exhaust our remaining fossil fuels; a situation that calls for a strict yet sensible energy policy.
In response to this, regarding automobiles, there have been efforts to improve fuel efficiency of gasoline-fueled vehicles, reduce CO2 emissions and diversify fuels.
Especially in recent years, there has been a strong demand for the development and spread of next-generation vehicles. The rising popularity of next-generation vehicles has encouraged automobile companies to further develop their technology. At the same time, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is developing measures and policies to further increase the deployment of next-generation vehicles while closely monitoring their popularity.
“Next Generation Vehicle Promotion Center (NeV)”, complying with the system established by the government, promotes battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). NeV also promotes installation of the charging facilities necessary to power electric vehicles (BEVs/PHEVs), as well as hydrogen fueling stations for FCVs. Specifically, NeV subsidizes both the purchase of next-generation vehicles and the installation of charging facilities and hydrogen fueling stations. We also actively engage in PR (Public Relations) activities to expand next-generation vehicle usage and related infrastructure.
Furthermore, we aim at dissemination of vehicles superior in safety performance.
Acknowledging our mission to contribute to national policies of energy, environment, and safety by expansion of next-generation vehicles with excellent energy, environment, and safety performance, we strive to realize this through our activities.
Prof. Dr. Yoichi HORI, Representative Executive Director
Organization Profile

Business Outline